The Park District of Highland Park Board of Commissioners approved a resolution waiving competitive bidding for an emergency sand nourishment project at Rosewood Beach. The resolution included awarding project contracts to Thelen Sand & Gravel for materials and John Keno & Company for labor services. Both companies provided the lowest responsible quote for services that are in the best interest of the Park District.
Under the Illinois Park District Code, 70 ILSC 1205/1, Section 8-1, competitive bidding for the procurement of goods and services exceeding $25,000 can be waived when the Board of Park Commissioners finds that emergency circumstances exist.
The estimated cost for the project is $310,000 including engineering, material, and construction costs. Construction is expected to begin October 21, 2019. Project details and a timeline will be presented to the Park Board of Commissioners at the October 15 Board Workshop Meeting.
Rosewood Beach is one of the Park District’s most heavily used facilities, and one of the most beautiful of our community’s assets. It is a priority for the Park Board of Commissioners to move quickly to protect that asset and continue providing safe beach access to the thousands of children, adults and families that use this facility for recreation and leisure.
The near-historic high Lake Michigan water levels this past summer have resulted in rapid beach erosion at Rosewood Beach. Infrastructure located at the back of the beach is currently in jeopardy of damage or future failure as sand erodes underneath the boardwalk in the interpretive cove. The shoreline is also approaching the boardwalk in the swimming cove. Statistically, fall and winter storms are more energetic and result in more erosion and sand movement. To prevent further erosion, protect lakefront structures and ensure this community asset will serve the community for current and future generations, emergency placement of sand is necessary this fall.