Recreation Center of Highland Park: The City of Highland Park begins Phase 2 of the Recreation Center parking lot project. This new construction phase will focus on the west lot, the building turn-around drive, and the west ADA parking area. Learn more.

Attitude and Interest Survey Results

August 8, 2019

Results of the Park District of Highland Park 2019 Community Attitude and Interest Survey were reviewed with the Park Board at a Special Meeting held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019.  It is a policy of the Park District to conduct a comprehensive community needs assessment at least once every three to six years.  The last survey was completed in 2013. 

“It has been six years since the Park District’s last community survey and five years since the approval of GreenPrint 2024, the Park District’s master plan,” said Park Board President, Brian Kaplan.  “Since that time, the Highland Park community has experienced changes that warrant an updated needs assessment.”  The survey findings will be used, along with additional data, to guide future priority initiatives as the Park District reviews long-term infrastructure and operational plans associated with its Strategic Plan and Master Plan (GreenPrint 2024).

The Park District hired Evanston-based firm, aQity Research to design and administer the survey which was conducted between May 17 through June 23, 2019.   The survey was sent by mail to a random sample of households within the Park District boundaries. Follow-up reminder postcards were sent to non-respondents to encourage full participation.  Both mailings included options to complete the survey by mail, online or by phone.  A total of 851 surveys were completed and weighted to match updated United States Census data for the Park District by region, gender, age, ethnicity and percentage of households with children. 

The survey covered the community’s recreation, facility and park usage and preferences.  Results indicated favorable resident feedback, most notably programs and events, as well as areas for future development, such as programming for adults.  The presentation to the Park Board can be viewed HERE.