Recreation Center of Highland Park: The City of Highland Park begins Phase 2 of the Recreation Center parking lot project. This new construction phase will focus on the west lot, the building turn-around drive, and the west ADA parking area. Learn more.

May 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

June 23, 2023

Updates from the May Park Board Meetings

May 10: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners adopted the Beach and Boating Week Safety Proclamation declaring May 20 – 29 as Highland Park Beach and Boating Safety Week.  

The Park Board of Commissioners had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fotana-Pasquesi at tonight’s meeting to thank him for the $250,000 donation he would like to make to rename Cloverdale Park to Fotana-Pasques Park, in honor of his family and other Italian families that settled in Highland Park.

Architects, Holabird and Root, provided a summary of the recreation program assessment of West Ridge Center developed by Consultant, BerryDunn, and presented a market study reconciliation to construct a new building on the same site.

Staff also provided construction updates for the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project, the Moroney Park Playground Improvements project, the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp project, and the Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements project.

May 16: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed a design proposal from Holabird and Root for the West Ridge Park and Site Project in an effort to apply for the IDNR PARC Grant. Staff received consensus from the Finance Committee to move forward with a Design Contract from Holabird and Root.

Staff provided an update on the locker rooms and gymnastics studio at Centennial Ice Arena.

Staff presented recommended improvements to the fitness floor at the Recreation Center of Highland Park to develop a multigenerational space.   

Martha Trotter, from the accounting firm Sikich LLP, presented a draft version of the Park District of Highland Park’s audited financial statements for 2023. Sikich LLP issued an unqualified or clean opinion for the report. 

May 24: Annual Meeting of the Park Board

Commissioner Grossberg was elected for President of the Park Board and Commissioner Freeman was elected for Vice President. Executive Director Romes was appointed as Secretary to the Park Board, Coordinator Hejnowski was appointed as Assistant Secretary acting under the general supervisor of the Secretary, Director Peters was appointed as Treasurer, Director Hall was appointed as the District’s IMRF authorized agent, Sikich LLP was appointed as the District’s auditor, and Ancel Glink was appointed as the District’s attorney.

May 24: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Heller Nature Center Blue Trail Improvements Project Bid, Ordinance #2023-05: Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property, the Illinois Mutual Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent Appointment to Laurel Hall and Supporting Resolution, the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Audit Report conditioned upon no materials changes that are required as a result of the IMRF Audit issuance, Resolution #2023-04: A Resolution Forming a Committee on Local Government Efficiency, and the Executive Director to enter into an design services agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associates for the design of Larry Fink Memorial Baseball Field Improvements in an amount not to exceed $74,400.