Feb 6-7: The temporary fitness floor at the Rec Center is moving back to the main fitness floor. Equipment will be temporarily unavailable.
Feb 8: The main fitness floor reopens. Learn more.

More than 50 volunteers joined Park District staff at Rosewood Beach for September’s Adopt-a-Beach clean-up on Saturday, September 18. Students from Highland Park High School Rotary Interact and members of Makom Solel Lakeside participated in this regional event sponsored by the Alliance for the Great Lakes.

The Park District teamed up with the Friends of the Chicago River and 30 community volunteers for our annual River Day event.   The group picked up litter along the bike and river trails at The Preserve and spread native plant seeds to benefit pollinators. The seeds were donated through the Park District’s participation in Project Wingspan, which aims at building pollinator habitat throughout the region.

For more information on Project Wingspan, >>>  https://www.pollinator.org/wingspan