Explore the World of Theatre

October 27, 2023

We can put you where you’ve always wanted to be. In the spotlight. In the action. Onstage!

Your Park District is creating a theatre program where all are welcome, and all can shine. Acting? Yes. Singing? Yesssss! Designing and building props? We have all the tools.

Do you love to perform? Well, we spent the last year thinking about you. We used our time creating a new Theatre program where you can use your talents, learn, grow, and show your friends and family that you’ve got what it takes! Sound like fun? It is!

This fall, you have the opportunity to sign up for any of the 8 new classes we’ve created that can start you on the road to stage (or screen) greatness. Take a look:

Introduction to Theatre. This class is all about learning stage directions. Those are all critical for any young performer, and you’ll concentrate on the basics, and the correct terminology, so you’re ready for whatever comes your way. Things like:

Broadway Here I Come. Acting, of course. But also music and dance. If musical theater is your thing, then this is your class. You’ll be swell. You’ll be great. You know the rest.

Teen Improv. This is a brand new class. It’s specialized, but maybe you are, too. Check it out!

Take the Stage. Our 2023 summer camp was a great big hit! Look for details next spring.

There are some real-life extra benefits to studying to become an actor