Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Fish on the Move

May 21, 2020

In keeping with the global movement of fish that takes place each spring,  Saturday, May 16 would have been World Migratory Fish Day.  This year’s official celebration has moved to October 24, but that doesn’t mean we can’t mark this amazing rite of passage!   

The Park District of Highland Park has tracked migratory fish at our lakefront parks since 2010.   Four years ago, we were among the first to take part in a Shedd Aquarium study on the movements of a Lake Michigan native species, the White Sucker!   Most years, volunteers are at the streams daily to check on their progress.   While monitoring has been limited this year, we do know that Ravine Drive Beach and Rosewood Beach both had fishy visitors!  Learn more about the project, check out the Shedd Aquarium’s Conservation Research Pages.