Feb 6-7: The temporary fitness floor at the Rec Center is moving back to the main fitness floor. Equipment will be temporarily unavailable.
Feb 8: The main fitness floor reopens. Learn more.

January 2024: Park Board Meeting Briefs

February 8, 2024

Updates from the January Park Board Meetings

January 10: Facility and Recreation Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the proposed concept and financial terms for the Concessionaire License Agreement with Madden Concepts, LLC for Sunset Valley Golf Club.  

Staff reviewed the terms and funding model for Paddle Facility Reservation Agreement, which permits UPP Paddles, LLC, to sell paddles, related products, and branded attire manufactured in the Paddle Facility located at 2205 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, IL 60035.

Staff reviewed the proposed changes to the Second Amendment to the Lot Three (3) Lease Agreements by and between the City of Highland park and the Park District since the Donor Agreement includes a contingency that the Lease Agreement be amended so that the term cannot be terminated without cause during the Term of the Donor Agreement.  Staff reviewed the changes to the terms and the funding model for the dome.

January 17: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Sunset Valley Golf Club Restaurant Concessionaire License Agreement, a Paddle Facility Reservation Agreement, and the Second Amendment to Lot 3 Lease Agreement by and Between the City of Highland Park and the Park District of Highland Park.

Staff reviewed the proposed updates to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the North Shore School District 112 and the Park District which outlines mutual use and maintenance of School District and Park District Facilities.

Staff reviewed the bid openings for the Preserve of Highland Park Compton Trail Connection Project and provided a bid recommendation.

Staff provided construction updates for the Park Avenue North project, Deer Creek Racquet Club Parking Lot project, the New Community Center at West Ridge Park, and the Saslow Restricted Donation Agreement/Pickleball Dome project at 2205 Skokie Valley Road.

January 31: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

A public hearing was held for the 2024 budget.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved 2024 The Preserve of Highland Park Compton Avenue Trail Connection Bid, the Second Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with NSSD112, Ordinance 2024-02 Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property, the Second Amendment to Lot 3 Lease Agreement By and Between The City of Highland Park and the Park District of Highland Park, and Ordinance 2024-01: Combined Budget and Appropriation Beginning January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Staff provided an end of season report for Highland Park Golf Learning Center comparing budgeted vs actual revenues, expenses, and utilization.

The Park Board of Commissioners released the Closed Session Minutes from the July 26, 2023 Regular Meeting. The Closed Session minutes from September 13, 2023 Workshop Meeting, September 27, 2023 Regular Meeting, October 25, 2023 Regular Meeting, November 8, 2023 Workshop Meeting, December 6, 2023 Workshop Meeting, December 13, 2023 Regular Meeting; shall not be released for public inspection since the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of those minutes.