Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

July 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

July 28, 2023

Updates from the July Park Board Meetings

July 12: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners Approved the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation and Site Improvements Change Order #39 from Stuckey Construction Company, Inc in the amount of $106,244.

Staff are exploring construction management options for the New Community Center at West Ridge Park.

The Park District Planning team will be visiting 26 park sites throughout the community, asking residents to share their opinions about District parks. This effort is intended to identify the District’s strengths and assess opportunities to better meet community needs at our parks.

Staff provided construction updates on the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project, the Recreation Center of Highland Park Dehumidification System project, Moroney Park Playground Improvement project, Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvement project, and the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp project.

July 18: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the preliminary engineering blueprints for the proposed parking lot at the Northeast corner of Sunset Woods Park. A neighborhood meeting will be scheduled in mid-August.

Staff reviewed design and construction management proposals for the New Community Center at West Ridge Park. Proposals included a Design Contract from Architects, Holabird and Root, and two Construction Management proposals; one from Gilbane the other from WB Olson.

Staff provided a five-year financial analysis report of Heller Nature Center and Deer Creek Racquet Club.

Lastly, staff provided a quarterly financial update for the Recreation Center of Highland Park and reviewed annual maintenance and new enhancements occurring during the annual closure.

July 26: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Plat of Dedication for Public Right of Way.

The Park Board of Commissioners authorized the Executive Director to enter into an AIA Document B133 – 2019 standard form of Agreement for design services with Holabird and Root for the lump sum amount of $1,234,356.

The Park Board of Commissioners terminated the approved purchased order 121922-01 for a CASE 580SN 4WD backhoe in the amount of $122,478.27 and approve the purchase of a CASE 580SV 4WD backhoe from Burris Equipment Co. in the amount of $116,445.31.

Lastly, the Parks Foundation President, Rafael Labrador, provided an update on fundraising efforts.