Mon, Sept 16-Mon, Oct 21 – Recreation Center of Highland Park: The locker rooms will be closed for renovation. During the closure, temporary changing areas off the pool deck will be provided. Learn more.

June 2022: Park Board Meeting Briefs

July 7, 2022

Updates from the June Park Board Meetings

June 15: Facility and Recreation Committee Meeting

Staff, along with architect consultants Holabird and Root, provided a progress update on the vision, site analysis and programming assessment of the West Ridge Park and Site Project.  The project team reviewed the anticipated timeline and discussed next steps. 

June 15: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

Sikich LLP presented the Park District’s audited financial statements for 2021 and issued an unqualified or clean opinion for the report.  This is the best opinion provided by an auditing firm and indicates that the Park District’s operations are in compliance with governance principles and applicable laws. The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. 

Staff provided an update on the Sunset Woods Park Playground Renovation since the project has experienced a variety of setbacks due to poor weather conditions and equipment supply challenges.  

The Park District received three bids for the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation and Site Improvements Project on June 10, 2022. Those documents are being reviewed, and references are being contacted. 

Staff provided an update on the Moraine Fencing Improvement Project which is intended to address access control for patrons who visit Moraine Beach. Based on staff’s findings, the Park Board favored the option to continue messaging that the beach is open for all patrons and will be entirely open for off-leash dogs.  

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-05: authorizing the Executive Director to purchase natural gas for the District from Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative or Alternative Utility Service for a period of up to 36 months. 

June 22: Lakefront, Parks, and Natural Areas Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the proposed improvements from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, the project timeline, and fundraising efforts between the Parks Foundation and the Athletic Boosters to support the renovation of the Fink Park Athletic Field Development. 

An Engineer from AECOM presented two repair concepts to address the damages along the southeast corner of the South Storage lot at Park Avenue Boating Facility. 

June 22: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff provided an update on the 2022 Capital Plan including a review of year-end projections. Staff also reviewed the 10-Year Funding Model.

Staff provided a brief update regarding the condition of the ice rink at Centennial Ice Arena. 

June 29: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners authorized the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with WJE Engineering in the amount of $38,700 to complete the investigation of the heaved ice rink slab at Centennial Ice Arena.

The Park Board of Commissioners adopted a Proclamation for the Designation of July as Parks and Recreation Month.

Staff provided an update on Summer Camp 2022 operations and the operational plans for Fourth Fest 2022.