Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

June 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

July 7, 2023

Updates from the June Park Board Meetings

June 7: Lakefront, Parks, and Natural Areas Committee Meeting

Staff presented possible renovation concepts for Lincoln Park Playground and the Moraine Beach Stairway.

Staff also presented possible concepts to increase the number of parking spots to support Deer Creek Racquet Club and the Larry Fink Memorial Baseball Field.

June 7: Facility and Recreation Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the design concepts to build a new community center at West Ridge Park being submitted in the Illinois Department of Natural resource (IDNR) Park and Recreation Construction (PARC) grant application.

Staff reviewed the long-term design concepts to improve the locker rooms at Centennial Ice Arenas developed by Woodhouse Tinucci.

June 14: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the PARC Grant Resolution Authorization, allowing the Park District of Highland Park to apply for funding assistance to support the new community center at West Ridge Park project.

The Park Board of Commissioners accepted the Base Bid from Anderson Lock Company, Ltd. for the 2023 West Ridge Center Door Hardware Improvements and authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement in the amount of $39,120.00.

Staff provided construction updates on the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project, Millard Park Playground Improvement projects, and the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp project.

June 20: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the concept master plan for the new community center at West Ridge Park.

Staff provided a financial update for the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Project, noting that the project is estimated to come in under budget due community donations and the Boat Access grant funds from IDNR.

Staff reviewed the budgeted vs actual financial figures for storage, launch, and parking decal sales for the Park Avenue Beach and Boating Facility.

Staff received consensus from the Finance Committee to place a sole source purchase of a new multi-use turf maintenance and ballfield groomer on the consent agenda for the June 28, 2023 Regular Meeting.

Staff presented the bid results for the Recreation Center of Highland park Gym Floor Refinish and the Hidden Creek AquaPark Shell Replacement.

June 28: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners adopted a Proclamation for the Designation of July as Parks and Recreation Month.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 2023-07 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Procurement of the ABI Force Z-23 with Attachments, the Rejection of 2023 Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements Bids, the Base Bid from Aqua Blue Pools, Inc. for the 2023 Hidden Creek Aqua Park Pool Shell Replacement and authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement in the amount of $444,050, Resolution 2023-06 Ratifying the Waiving of Competitive Bidding for Procurement of an Emergency Repair and award the contract for repair of the Arena to Air Comfort in the amount of $39,862, and the First Student Transportation Services Contract Extension for Summer Camp.