Architects Holabird and Root presented three (3) schematic designs for the New Recreation Facility and Site Improvements at West Ridge Park. Staff received consensus from the Committee to use Building Option F to submit an application for design and review.
The Park Board of Commissioners adopted the Beach and Boating Safety Week Proclamation declaring May 18 – 24 as Highland Park Beach and Boating Safety Week.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the WJE Evaluation of Footings Change Order #1 and authorized the Executive Director to increase the professional services contract from $24,900 to $32,477.
Staff provided construction project updates for the Lot 3 Paddle Facility, construction at the Recreation Center of Highland Park, locker room improvements at Deer Creek Racquet Club, improvements at Jeff Fox Baseball Field, improvements at Lincoln Park, renovation to the Playground at Upper Rosewood, renovation to the 2-5-Year-Old Playground at Larry Fink Park, and improvements at Sunset Woods Park.
There was Action from Closed Session. The Park Board of Commissioners approved a settlement agreement with a former employee.
Architects Holabird and Root reviewed the design and review application for the New Recreation Facility and Site Improvements at West Ridge Park. The Facility and Recreation Committee were pleased with the rendering and schematic design which will be submitted in the application.
Sikich, LLP presented a draft of the Park District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
Staff reviewed the bid results for the 2024 Recreation Center Pool Ceiling Painting project, 2024 Cunniff Park 2-5 Playground Resurfacing-Fence Improvements project, 2024 Roof Improvements projects, and the 2024 Deer Creek Racquet Club Parking Lot Improvements project.
Staff reviewed a services proposal with L6 Technology It Support.
Staff shared a fundraising update for the Jeff Fox Baseball Field Campaign.
The City of Highland Park is currently renovating the Highland Park Senior Center. The Park District and City of Highland Park planned to renovate the shared parking lot in 2025. The Park District received an estimated cost from the City of Highland Park for the shared project, and the estimate was significantly higher than anticipated.
Commissioner Bernstein was elected for President of the Park Board and Commissioner Freeman was elected for Vice President.
Executive Director Romes was appointed as Secretary to the Park Board, Coordinator Hejnowski was appointed as Assistant Secretary acting under the general supervisor of the Secretary, Director Peters was appointed as Treasurer, Director Hall was appointed as the District’s IMRF authorized agent, Executive Director Romes, Director Hall, and Coordinator Hejnowski were appointed as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers, Executive Director Romes and Coordinator Hejnowski were appointed as Open Meetings Act (OMA) Officers, Executive Director Romes was appointed as the American With Disabilities Act Coordinator (ADA), Sikich, LLP was appointed as the District’s auditor, and Ancel Glink was appointed as the District’s attorney.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Ordinance 2024-06 providing for the issue of not to exceed $6,445,000 General Obligation Limited Tax Park Bonds, Series 2024, of the Park District of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, for the payment of land for parks, for the building, maintaining, improving and protecting of the same and the existing land and facilities of said Park District and for the payment of the expenses incident thereto, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof, the 2024 Recreation Center Pool Ceiling Painting Bid, the 2024 Roof Improvements Project Bid, the 2024 Deer Creek Racquet Club Parking Lot Improvements Bid, the 2024 Cunniff Park 2-5 Playground Resurfacing-Fence Improvements Project Bid, and the L6 Technology IT Support Services Proposal.
Staff presented a 5-year athletic trends analysis, comparing female and male participation figures.