Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

November 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

December 13, 2023

Updates from the November Park Board Meetings

November 8: Decennial Committee Meeting of the Park Board

Staff reviewed the importance of continual improvement to promote efficient operations and savings to the taxpayers. Some of the recommendations to promote increased accountability and efficiency in government include the consideration to eliminate government fees and charges and modifications to some state and federal unfunded mandates.

November 8: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

Staff reviewed the proposed Park District Five-Year Capital Plan for the years 2024 through 2027. 

Staff provided a brief overview of the Site Design and Engineering Services Agreement from Lamar Johnson Collaborative for the Sunset Woods Improvements project to implement Phase 1 of the Sunset Woods Master Plan which includes new multi-use basketball court, new skate park, new wheel friendly plaza, new game court, native planting and interpretation area. The scope also includes design services for related Capital Projects for replacement of athletic field and tennis lighting, assessment of existing tennis courts and associated drainage improvements.

Staff provided project updates for the Lot 3 Enterprise Facility at 2205 Skokie Velley Road, Hidden Creek AquaPark Deck Replacement and Shade Structures project, Port Clinton and Old Elm Playground projects, and the New Community Center at West Ridge Park.

November 14: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the proposed 2024 Budget and the 2023 tax levy considerations. 

The Finance Committee recommended the Park Board of Commissioners approve the Site Design and Engineering Services Agreement from Lamar Johnson Collaborative for the Sunset Woods Improvements project, the independent contractor agreement with the Golf Practice for golf programs and services at the Highland Park Golf Learning Center, and the addition of policy 5.03.07: Household Credits Left on Account.

Staff provided a 2023 financial analysis report of Centennial Ice Arena, comparing year-to-date budgeted vs. actual revenues and expenses for programs and rentals. 

November 15: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2024 Board Meeting Calendar, the 2024 IAPD/IPRA Credentials Certificate, Policy # 5.03.07 Household Credits Left on Account, the Site Design and Engineering Services Proposal from Lamar Johnson for the Sunset Woods Improvements project, the Independent Contractor Agreement with The Golf Practice for Golf Programs and Services, and Truth in Taxation Resolution #2023-08.

Staff provided a 2023 end of season lakefront report, comparing budgeted vs actual revenues, expenses, and utilization for Rosewood Beach and Park Avenue Beach and Boating Facility. Staff also shared recommendations and what to expect for the 2024 lakefront season.

Staff are still negotiating the terms for the Restricted Donor Agreement with Ron Saslow for the Enterprise Property Improvement Plan at 2205 Skokie Valley Road (Lot 3). A draft will be shared with the Park Board of Commissioners before requesting formal approval of the agreement at a December Meeting of the Park Board of Commissioners.