Feb 6-7: The temporary fitness floor at the Rec Center is moving back to the main fitness floor. Equipment will be temporarily unavailable.
Feb 8: The main fitness floor reopens. Learn more.

October 2022: Park Board Meeting Briefs

November 2, 2022

Updates from the October Park Board Meetings

October 11: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the Park District’s Fund Balance Policy and received consensus from the Finance Committee to maintain a minimum balance of 25% in the General and Recreation Funds, maintain a minimum balance of 15% in the Special Recreation Fund, and remove the Debt Service Fund policy.

Staff also reviewed the Draft Five-Year Capital Plan including projections for Fiscal Year 2022 and proposed Capital Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2023. 

Lastly, staff provide an overview of a proposed Recreation Sub-Fund for Park Avenue Boating Facility and received consensus from the Finance Committee to create the proposed Sub-Fund.

October 12: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-06 A Declaration Honoring Executive Director Brian Romes for his contributions to the Park District of Highland Park and the extended community in response to the Fourth of July Mass Shooting.

Staff provided construction updates for the Fink Park Athletic Field Development project, Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project and the Rink Floor Replacement project, Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Pool Deck and Shade Structure Replacement project, Findings from the structural survey conducted by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) for Deer Creek Racquet Club, Districtwide Lighting projects, Recreation Center of Highland Park Dehumidification System Replacement project, Moraine Beach Pathway project, and the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement project.

October 18: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff provided an overview and recommendation of the 2023 Tax Levy. Further discussions will take place at the November 9 Workshop Meeting.

October 26: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved purchasing Replacement Shade Structures at Hidden Creek AquaPark; the changes to Policy # 3.02.4 Fund Balance; the changes to Policy # 3.15 Purchasing; the changes to Policy # 4.02 for Naming or Renaming Parks, Buildings, and Facilities in the Park District of Highland Park Policy Manual; purchasing Golf Maintenance Equipment; purchasing Capital Replacement Zero-Turn Mowers; purchasing Life Fitness Upright and Recumbent Exercise Bikes; the 2022-2023 Sunset Valley Golf Club Cart Path Bridge Replacement and Removal Agreement; entering into an agreement with Camera Corner Connecting Point for purchase of the 2023 Infrastructure Upgrade Project Phase 2 Equipment in the amount of $106,235.74; and Section 7.6 of Part-Time the Part-Time and Full-Time Employee Personnel Policy Manuals: Flexible Spending Account.