Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot Renovation

Are any trees going to be removed?

No trees are expected to be removed as part of the project.  Some plantings will be removed to accommodate the new accessible entry path

Does the project include landscaping?

Yes. The project will include a landscape plan for the area surrounding the tot-lot.

Is the drinking fountain going to be relocated?

No, the drinking fountain’s location will not change, but the drinking fountain will be replaced. 

Is the playground going to be relocated?

No, the playground will remain in its current location on the South lot.

Following the Playground Feasibility Study last spring it was determined through the community engagement process that there was more support for the playground to remain within its current footprint.

While there was interest in moving and expanding the playground, the community valued preserving the open space, the scale of the tot lot, the secluded woodland feel of the tot lot and expressed concern for traffic and parking if the playground were to move and grow.

What is planned for the North lot?

This project focuses on the tot lot, though the Park District is accepting comments for what the community would like to see on the North lot.

What is the proposed playground surface for the new playground?

The plan proposes to use pour-in-place rubber safety surface, often referred to as the soft surface.

When will the playground be closed?

Construction is expected to begin early Spring 2024 through the end of Spring 2024, though the schedule is weather dependent.

Will the new playground have a fence?

Yes, the existing fence will be replaced with a new fence.

Will the playground entrance change?

Yes, in efforts to create a safer and less steep entry to the playground, the path will extend back further behind the playground which will move the entrance and create a gradually sloped pathway.

Will the playground footprint grow to serve the 5-12 age group?

No, the playground will remain a tot-lot, for the 2-5 age group.

Will the playground have equipment for older children?

Through the listening sessions, we heard support for adding pieces that would be enjoyed by older kids. We also heard the need for a greater variety of play equipment, with pieces that are more challenging to stimulate the older tots.

The Park District is required to follow ASTM CPSI requirements regarding age-appropriate equipment. The proposed playground includes climbing opportunities and an expression swing that may engage older children.