Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Skaters Compete in Upper Great Lakes Regionals

October 31, 2019

Seven figure skaters from the Park District of Highland Park’s Centennial Ice Arena competed in the 2020 Upper Great Lakes Regionals held in Saint Paul, Minnesota October 23 through 27.   The Centennial skaters included Danielle Simon, Campbell Saks, Ellie Kavadas, Lucy Millman, Greta Hollander, Leah Wernick, and Taylor Keno.  All seven skaters are involved in Centennial’s skating program.

“It is wonderful to have seven of our skaters compete in the regionals,” said Carol Sassorossi, Program Manager at Centennial Ice Arena.  “These girls work tirelessly, and it is fabulous to see their hard work and dedication pay off.”

Centennial Ice Arena is a premier regional center for ice skating with a highly qualified staff and progressive programming.  The arena is a proud member of US Figure Skating and Learn to Skate USA.  For more information about Centennial Ice Arena recreational and competitive skating programs, please contact Sheila Lonergan [email protected], or Carol Sassorossi, [email protected].

Photo:  (left to right) Danielle Simon, Campbell Saks, Ellie Kavadas, Lucy Millman, Greta Hollander, Leah Wernick, Taylor Keno