To accommodate crews working on the Senior Center, from Thurs., Aug 1 through Sat., Aug 3 the Recreation Center elevator will be out of service. On Thurs., Aug 1, from 8am to noon, the Recreation Center locker rooms will be closed and the entrance to the Center will be limited to the southeast side, next to the lobby and the emergency exit.  Also, on Thurs., Aug 1, from noon to 5pm, the Recreation Center’s pool and locker rooms will be closed and the hot water will be shut off. We appreciate your patience during this time.

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Sunset Woods Park Improvements Community Open House
Date & Time
Wed, Feb 21 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Highland Park Police Department Training Room 1677 Old Deerfield Road, Illinois 60035 Google Maps 

Community members are invited to join us anytime between 5-7pm to learn about the Sunset Woods Park Improvements project and provide feedback.